Fashion Breakfast with Lubov Azria of BCBG Is Full of Inspiration

Lubov Azria Fashion Breakfast at Cicconis

You know what’s better than breakfast? Breakfast with a little inspiration, a dallop of green eggs and coffee to outfit ideas that strive towards chasing the dreams you were meant to dream up. We’re all different, but we dream in a way that makes us view the impossible as a possibility of beauty. Just like fashion is an ever changing field of what conforms to our bodies, what gives us that extra dazzle to shine, encouragement is the spoon full of sugar that makes us smile.

Sometimes people say things in a way that sticks out, it’s sincere and that’s what makes it beautiful. Lubov Azria is not only a talented designer with a vision for BCBG and Herve Leger’s, but dances in a vision of her own success that’s both down to earth and practical in many ways. This wasn’t the first time I chatted with Lubov Azria, as she inspires with words that just make sense. Girls can relate, and it inspires a conversation of following your dreams, whatever that dream may be. She joined a group of fashion girls for breakfast at Cicconis in Beverly Hills, sharing her stories over mid-week brunching.

Just because there are a number of outfits of the same kind produced, it is exclusively owned and styled by the person that chooses to add their spice to the mix! Fashion is about your fab, unique accents, and so is your personality.

Being your best you is being Fashion Trend Forward

Have a Beautiful Day!


Green Eggs Cicconis West Hollywood Fashion Breakfast

Lubov Azria Fashion Breakfast at Cicconis


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