About - Fashion Trend Forward

New-Season-Mock-UpGet ready fashionistas and news lovers everywhere. Fashion Trend Forward is here to bring you up to date on tomorrow’s trends today. From Gucci to Pucci, and Prada of course, get ready for couture, and not just Juicy! From the latest trends to celebrity news, events, functions, charity, and of course causes, you’ll be indulged with the latest happenings and inspirations that trail across the adventures of the dailies!


That’s right, this isn’t just your one stop shop into fashions greatest but it’s a collection of all the little things that contribute to someone feeling great and being able to rock out a pair of stilettos. I bring you more than just fashion, but an insight into health, fitness, and an awareness of surroundings such as causes and how one can participate in them. Fashion is about owning your style and being inspired to define your personality.


That definition begins with feeling good and taking care of your self. Defining the importance and correlation between fitness/ food awareness and beautifying yourself for a stylish you is what Fashion Trend Forward is all about! Fashion isn’t just an outfit waiting to be put on, it’s the intellect behind the smile, the knowledge of ones surroundings and the manifestation of possibility.


Fashion Trend Forward is here to encourage readers to find ways to define and discover their personal style while being the best they can be! From book and play reviews to beauties new indulgences, my goal is to keep you up to date, feeling great and inspired to try new things, opening a horizon of discoveries.


Creating the Aesthetic That is Fashion Trend Forward!


Annette: Style Expert, inspired by the fascinations of the little things that contribute to the Aesthetically Pleasing Big Picture!



A little more About Fashion Trend Forward Founder, Annette!


Annette received her undergrad in Creative Writing and earned her Masters in English, Rhetorical Theory and Composition! Defining the correlation between literature and business structures under the lens of postmodern discourse!

Favorite Book: I’ve always loved A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

One of the Text’s I used in my Graduate Thesis Project was Something Borrowed by Emily Griffin ( The Movie was also Fab).

Undergrad Semester Abroad in Madrid, Spain at the Complutence University

Connoisseur of the Fine Arts: Attending Plays, The Hollywood Bowl, Live Music

Loves Desserts especially Crème Brule, Cookies, and Napoleon

Has a four-year-old adorable Maltipoo Daisy who wears a hot pink patent Leather Juicy Couture Collar when she goes on walks. Got her as a puppy at 10 weeks old when her ears still had a little peach in them; she’s a sweet cutie!

Fashion Trend Forward probably realistically started at three years old when I first requested to wear swirly, twirly dresses to play in the sandbox at the park.

Enjoy Fashion Trend Forward: The Sparkle in Your Step!