Valentines Day Gifts Roses and Rose All Day

Bouquet Bar Gift Ideas Roses and Chocolates Delivered

Love is in the air, good hair, and candy hearts because tomorrow is Valentines Day. A day to pamper yourself, indulge, and celebrate with a potential plate of chocolate covered strawberries. It’s not just a cliché but the prince charming’s of the world are actually running around the upper east side, Los Angeles, Miami, Paris, in search of perfect roses, gifts to sweep their one and only princess off their feet (as they should).

When Cinderella lost her glass slipper, the Prince searched the entire city to find her. Convinced that she was his special girl, he searched, found her, and obviously had good intuition! Her beautiful foot fit perfectly into today’s version of the crystal Jimmy Choo, and they lived happily ever after. Because romance is never over-rated, and always deserves ones full attention. It’s a time to roll out the red carpet, and celebrate love, friendship, and all the splendid moments of butterflies that choose to flutter in the most unexpected moments.

Whether you’re celebrating V-Day with a hot date at a cozy upscale restaurant with a long waiting list, spending time with the kiddies, or indulging in a galentines night out with the girls, treat yourself, enjoy and always radiate with kindness because a smile extends past a passion passport and lands on your heart!

Here’s the fab five of Valentines Day gifts: Experiences are key, fun moments, chocolates, rose all day, babies like to play, and taking care of your 2019 beauty adventures in style!

Happy Valentines Day! Because every Valentines Day Girl Needs a Sparkle In Her Step.

Bouquet Bar Gift Ideas Roses and Chocolates Delivered

  1. Bouquet Bar Gifts: What girl doesn’t want to receive roses and chocolates! Bouquet Bar combos are perfect to swoon your V-Day crush! Girls, you can still have a crush on your husband/boyfriend! The box is so cute, order yourself a box, sign it with a cute note and share the salted caramels with the girls, or the object of your affection.

One Hope Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Valentines Day Wine Ideas

2. One Hope Cabernet Sauvignon: Celebrate Valentines Day or any day with One Hope Wine; this cab is one of the best cabs out there. This wine is perfect on the palette with notes that almost play a harmonious melody with every sip. Share it with your someone special, friends, or just toast to a fab week. This wine is one of those rare wine gems that you’ll want to keep stocked for not just special occasions.

Summer Water Rose All Day Wine Valentines Day Wine Ideas

3. Summer Water Rose All Day: It’s February, but who doesn’t want to be reminded of summer year-round. Summer Water wine brings your Valentines Day fantasy of paradise weather and resort like vibes to life with a refreshing way to sip. While it may not give you a beach tan, it’s a perfect way to cheers and celebrate with your date, hubby, or friends! Enjoy summer anytime of the year with rose all day.

Victor and Rolf Flower Bomb Perfume gift ideas

4. Victor and Rolf Flower Bomb Perfume: A sweet scent that captivates and sends the imagination day dreaming about all that’s beautiful in the world. Victor and Rolf Flower Bomb perfume is the signature scent of sweetness, picturesque with a stunning sense of adventure.

5. The Perfect V Beauty Mist: Everygirl should feel invigorated and refreshed with the beauty mist. Meant to maintain the PH balance, just spritz any time of the day and feel refreshed and beautiful where ever you go.

Cuddle and Kind Unicorn and Bear stuffed animals for babies

6) Cuddle and Kind Hand Knit Stuffed Animals: These stuffed animals are really one of a kind, and cuddle friendly. Created by a family of five devoted to nutrition and health, every stuffed animal sold feeds 10 children in need. Not only are these hand knit dolls perfect for babies, and young kids, they are contributing to the betterment of society. This is a perfect gift for the kiddies, because if the kiddies are happy, mama and papa are happy. It’s also pretty romantic to give a stuffed animal to your Valentines Day date. I still love stuffed animals, and every animal comes with a unique story that’s just as exciting as the plush toy you may not want to let go so easily.

Happy Valentines Day XOXO

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