Interview with Peter Facinelli Host Of Pre-Event Dinner “Swing For Kids” Benefiting Orthopedic Institute For Children

Peter Facinelli hosts the 2017 pre dinner for Orthopedic Institute for Children in Los Angeles

You may know Peter Facinelli as a twilight star but this multi-dimensional actor, dad, and all around advocate for children serves the community beyond the entertainment sphere. I attended a pre-event dinner hosted by Peter Facinelli to support the upcoming “Swing for kids” charity to benefit  Orthopedic Institute for Children that took place yesterday, November 6, 2017. I was able to speak to Peter and talk, charity, movies, dad life, and of course the value that the Orthopedic Institute for Children provides children and families in need.

Swing for Kids golf tournament was an all day annual fundraising event, hosted by Craig T. Nelson to raise awareness and funds for the ever growing Orthopedic Institute for Children. The event is crucial to growth and continued expansion of the organization. All proceeds donated during the event are used towards building a new Physical Therapy Center that will help kids heal faster, and receive the treatment necessary to rehabilitate quicker; giving parents the peace of mind knowing that all resources are fully equipped to aid in their child’s rehabilitation.

The pre-event benefit dinner took place at the swanky new French Bistro, Les Coulisses in Downtown, Los Angeles. With its speak-easy vibe, it was a night filled with delicious dinner, and conversation with  premier Orthopedic surgeons that explained how vital these renovations are to the children. This is really a group of surgeons and care professionals that take pride in their work, and have an apparent passion for working in an environment that thrives on caring and making a difference in each and every childs life that happens to be affected with Orthopedic issues. There are no restrictions for the children to be seen, no health insurance requirement, or funds necessary. Any parent, anywhere in the world can bring their children to the Orthopedic Institute for Orthopedic treatment in Los Angeles. The institute has an exceptional relationship with UCLA Health, OIC is a non profit that utilizes the UCLA facility to perform procedures and surgeries while accessing care to the best and brightest doctors in the world. Many of whom even relocated to California just to be part of this amazing non-profit. Every day is a chance to make a difference in a childs life and that is exactly what is achieved on a daily basis.

I chatted with Peter regarding the Foundation, Movies, Kids and the Orthopedic issues!

Annette: What got you excited about the Orthopedic Institute for Children? Why are you so interested in it?

Peter Facinelli: I have three daughters myself, for me I like to be part of things that help children. But I also have a daughter that was diagnosed when she was six with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, that affects bones. She’s ok now, because in 50% of cases it goes away and never comes back, and that’s what you hope for, so that’s really good. I also have an 11 year old who does soccer, she does a lot of soccer and organization helps a lot of sports injuries.

The organization helps raise money to go towards children with physical therapy needs. It’s really important to make sure that kids are out playing and not sitting at home hurt and not feeling good. That’s important to me.

Annette: So you’re an active dad? That’s wonderful!

Peter Facinelli: Ya, I’ve been through a lot with them. I have daughters that play basketball, soccer, I’ve coached soccer for five years with my oldest. I’m very supportive of my kids, it’s important to me.

Annette: How were you introduced to this organization?

Peter Facinelli: I have a friend of mine, Alexandra who introduced me to the organization. She asked me if I wanted to be part of it, I thought it was a really great charity. I really enjoyed the fact that they were doing the Swing for the Kids Charity program, where Craig T. Nelson is hosting. I’m excited for that, I think doing fun charitable events is a great way to draw attention to an organization. I’m not a great golfer but for children, I’ll go out there and give it my best swing.

Annette: Give it your best swing! What the organization does is really incredible, so going out there and trying to help as many kids as possible is really amazing.

Peter Facinelli: Anytime I can take an organization like this, and get it out there, it’s really important to me.

Annette: The goal is…

Peter Facinelli: We need more donations, more people involved, and more people spreading the word.

Annette: Great! Can you also tell me a little bit about yourself and some of the new projects your currently working on?

Peter Facinelli: I just came here straight from set on Swat, which is kind of fun, episodes should be airing in December.  I also did two films back to back, one with Ron Perlman, another one called Gangster Land that’s coming out in December where I play Bugs Moran, set in 1920’s Chicago gang. It was kind of fun to be able to do a period piece based on a true story.

I directed my first feature this year that is a romantic dramedy, called Breaking and Exiting.

Annette: I love romantic comedies, I mean romantic dramedies.

Peter Facinelli: It’s a romantic movie, a relationship movie, I’ve been writing producing and doing a little of everything!

Here you have it, Peter Facinelli doing it all. Career, children, charity advocate and so many projects to be worked on simultaneously. If you want to find out more about the Orthopedic Institute for Children (OIC) and how you could participate and contribute, it’s a great organization that really strives and helps children in need. Follow your passion, follow your dreams and make your footprint count in a way that will make you smile.

Peter Facinelli hosts the 2017 pre dinner for Orthopedic Institute for Children in Los Angeles

Peter Facinelli Orthopaedic institute for children fashion blog charity event


Peter Facinelli with UCLA Orthopedic Institue for Children team in Los Angeles

Orthopaedic Institute for Children Dinner at Les Coulisses downtown Los Angeles

Les Coulisses Dinner Peter Facinelli hosts pre dinner event in Los Angeles

Les Coulisses New French Restaurant in Downtown Los Angeles

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