Love New York Fashion Week 2010 Style Z Spoke By Zac Posen

With New York’s Mercedes Benz Fashion Week underway, it’s only natural that every top notch editor will be mangling among fashionistas, debutantes, and the high society socialites scoping out the red carpet. We hear Zac Posen in saving his couture collection for Paris, but don’t fret quite yet Americanos. His Zac Posen Z Spoke line premiered this past Saturday at New York Fashion Week 2010. As for the show, would you expect anything less than amazing from Zac Posen.? I kid you not, and we wouldn’t either. The Z Spoke collection is fairly recent and will be the appeal of a hip trendy crowd sipping Martinis in an upscale Manhattan lounge. Trendy or Classic, Zac Posen caters to individualism, so whether you’re library chic or office savvy, Zac Posen will out fit you to shine with impeccable taste. After all fashion is not just about material pieces and lines of make belief, it’s about imagination and the ability to create your own beautiful expression.

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