Beauty always starts from the way you feel on the inside and is released through the sparkle of a personality that inspires, discovers and appreciates the big things just as much as the little significances that unfold on the dailies. With October almost halfway done, take a moment to pause and think pink!
Take a moment to think about all that you value and appreciate. It may take more than a moment as October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as designers begin giving a hint of pink to support the cause. This is the time that brands come together and give you a reason to shop for a cause! This season Joico hair care line released Share the Joi of Hope power whipped foam mousse styling haircare, along with a shimmery pink hair spray! Yes the shimmery pink hair spray is beyond amazing, it’s a little harder to see it on darker hair, but looks gorgeously sun kissed on blonds. If you’re a brunette like me trying to use it, here are a few suggestions for maximum effect:
- If you braid your hair and then spray over the braid it will be more noticeably pink.
- If you leave your hair flowy and down, it will look like a hint of sparkle but the pink will be almost unnoticeable. This could be cute for a daytime office look.
I love it!
looooove!!! *.*
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