Bowling Style To Get That Perfect Strike

Bowling fashion trends Zara Jeans Prada Belt

Maybe achieving a perfect strike in bowling is all in the technique, the game, and the way you’re able to coordinate so perfectly that all the pins fall flat at the same time. A perfect strike, a perfect outfit, and the perfect coral ball go hand in hand when you’re spending a night on the town with friends and bowling away like a pro.

Winter in LA is generally very different from other places, when it gets below 40 at night eyebrows start to raise with slight confusion. Wow, we’re actually feeling a cold front, laugh as you may but west coast culture handles winter slightly differently. Nonetheless, as much as I love sunshine I love the change of the seasons and cozy sweaters to outfit any occasion. I’m really into bright colors and loved the magenta pink purple shades of this Darling UK sweater, it’s dainty with popping flowers on the front. But the pink flash wasn’t the only color I had hiding underneath because colors must pop in the most unexpected ways I embellished my jeans with a bright green Prada belt to ensure a fashion outfit for the lanes!


Bowling fashion trends Zara Jeans Prada Belt

LA Fashion Blogger Darling Sweater Pink blowling style trends

Fashion blogger goes bowling wearing Zara Jeans Prada Belt and Darling pink sweater

Pink Darling Sweater with Flowers on the front winter hottest sweater trend

I Was Wearing: Zara Jeans / Green Prada Belt / Darling UK Magenta Sweater / Bowling Shoes

Hair By: Daniel Beseggio

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