Feel Good About The Food You Eat Event With Founder Vanessa Philips

There’s one thing that you shouldn’t feel guilty about and that’s the food you’re eating. The choices you make to create opportunities to thrive with your nutrition is entirely up to you. But thankfully Vanessa Philips, founder of the Feel Good Food Brand has made it fun and easy to indulge in simple, all-natural, feel good foods that also happen to be gluten-free.

Last week Vanessa Philips hosted an intimate dinner in downtown Los Angeles to share her foodie vision. Guests attending the dinner enjoyed the Feel Good Food Brand’s chef inspired meal with a multi-course dinner of delectable dishes prepared by Yarrow, Chef Royce Burke. It was a night filled with cocktails, influencers, tastemakers and foodies, getting together to enjoy a lavish meal, while Vanessa introduced the evening by elaborating on the benefits of Feel Good Foods. There’s something to be said about the details, and in this case it’s impressive when a brands founder shares that they take pride in the vegetables sourced and purchased at peak growing seasons. There’s a lot of attention to wellness, including non-GMO, beef and chicken raised without antibiotics.

It’s a growing trend and is actually not a trend but a new way of life to eat as you see fit. Paying attention to a healthy lifestyle that includes easy choices, makes it that much more convenient to enjoy in the cozy of your home. Flavor, natural food, and convenience is a triple benefit to eating the foods you like. Attendees of the event were enthusiastic about the courses; mixing and mingling, sharing thoughts, laughs and smiles. After all food always brings conversation to the table.

There’s a rising tide of gluten intolerant, and individuals who prefer to exclude gluten from their diet, or who just want options when it comes to their culinary adventures in the kitchen. Feel Good Food is here with many options, and a variety of plates to be the top chef of your kitchen!

Feel Good Foods Co-Founder Vanessa Phillips and Yarrow Chef Royce Burke

Feel Good Food Founder, Vanessa Philips with Yarrow Chef, Royce Burke

Salad, wine, influencer dinner with Feel Good Foods Dinner in Los Angeles 2019.jpg

Feel Good Foods Influencer Dinner Los Angeles 2019

Dinner decor ideas Feel Good Foods Influencer Dinner in Los Angeles

Feel Good Foods Menu Event in Los Angeles

Photo Credit: Danielle Salmons photos

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