Summer is vibrant and Chanel handbags are flying off the shelves at boutiques round the world. Chanel Couture, the ultimate in style, grace, and quilted glam is definitely recognizable from a distance. After all the timeless bag comes quilted with a price tag to match, fitted for a bag stylista, Chanel enthusiast, or glamorama.
I see Chanel quilted lambskin bags in all shapes, sizes, but where are the bright yellow Chanel bags. If you haven’t seen to many around town, it’s because they’re rare and not the standard black, white or beige, nonetheless they’re hot. The yellow quilted Chanel lambskin handbags are adorned with a chain that’s all non standard. Unlike the signature leather wrapped chain, it’s unique and signature of the unique color hue of the bag.
So for the ultimate Chanel enthusiast, the yellow lambskin may be your ticket to bright summer glam.