Hey Gorgeous Designer Fashion at Real Estate Prices a Discourse on Culture

Carrie Bradshaw Loves Fashion Sex and the City
Carrie Bradshaw Loves Fashion Sex and the City

Lets have a culture discussion on sandals, shoes, and handbag prices so sky rocket high on designer apparel that in some cases a simple purchase of one item can rise higher than some mortgage payments in descent areas. It’s true, not only are coveted style pieces extremely expensive, they’re also extremely hard to find and surprisingly sell out quite quickly from boutiques catering to exquisite tastes around the world. In turn they’re in high demand, and not just among celebrities.

Celebrities in many cases are given designer pieces to promote, and women in turn quickly rise to the occasion wanting those pieces. In many cases the objects really are beautiful, hand crafted ornamented fashion pieces that stand out to couture observant admirers.

Emblems of the fashion world include but are not limited to Chanel, Gucci, and of course Jimmy Choo, worn by you! Whether it’s in a wishful thinking phase or one selected piece at a time, these fashion designers dominate our fashion magazines and progression of what is the ideal “color” of the season.

There are some dominant social values accorded with fashion that sparkle around a fantasy world of couture.

Couture after all is beautiful, with a price tag attached into the thousands, what fashion girl wouldn’t want a pink lambskin Chanel chain bag?

Fashion Popculture, Rhetoric of Fashion, hey gorgeous this is for you!

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