Clueless About Jane Austin’s Emma

The holiday season is here and that means big smiles, heat, and of course celebration galore. I’m definitely celebrating with EggNogtini’s, peppermint lattes and chocolate coins minus the carbs. Chuckles are correct because as many of you know I’ve submitted my last final and am already reminiscing about my Rise of The Novel Semester. With 18th century novels in fine tune, I’ve examined and embarked upon an 18th century fashionistas journey, and dabbled in the world of Burney’s Camilla.

How enchanting can a time period be? After all it is called the enlightenment period, a time of flourishing thoughts and growing ideologies. The rise on a novel began to partake in a discourse of its own.

With that in mind we must not forget to recall that it is the classics that inspire the modern films we can’t help but love. This past summer’s Easy A was a remake of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Scarlet Letter. A romantic comedy marked by the prized 1850 work of Romantic, historical Literature.

Another great one is Alicia Silverstone playing the good-hearted Cher Horowitz in Clueless. The story is loosely based around the romance inspired Jane Austin novel, Emma. Cher’s character corresponds to Emma Woodward’s character while Dionne Davenport, Mrs. Weston plays her best friend as they embark on journeys to match-make the people around them.

Original it may not be, but it’s history inspires a new source of entertainment that is Like Totally amazing!

Maybe Now You’ll be inspired to pick up a Jane Austen Novel!

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